In This Issue:
Tourney a Huge Success!
PHOTO: (L) Burnie Kessner, TX-NASP Coordinator, gives final instructions to HE Instructors and NASP teachers serving as lane officials for the 12th Annual Statewide NASP Tournament & Scholarship Championship at the Bell Cnty Expo Center March 23-24th.
A total of 2,021 (up 348 from 2016) K-12 students shot 30 scoring arrows apiece at this year’s TX-National Archery in Schools Program (NASP) statewide tournament. Burnie was assisted by NASP regional staff members, Travis Glick (N TX) and Kendrick Gray (S TX), Hunter Education regional staff, Monica Bickerstaff (N TX) and Heidi Rao (SE TX), and a host of TPWD staff, hunter education instructors, NASP archery instructors and volunteers. Partners and Area Chief Instructors Larry Hysmith, TX 4-H Shooting Sports Coordinator, and Scot McClure, Outdoor Adventures Coordinator, and I served as tournament announcers. As coordinator of the first tournament held in 2006, along with partners, Norm & Jo Ann McMinn and Teresa Meyers, who started the Texas Archery in Schools Program (non-profit supporting organization), I sat in awe at the organization, leadership and results exhibited at this year’s tournament. All I can say, is a BIG CONGRATS to all involved and BEST OF LUCK to those representing the Lone Star State at Nationals, and, hopefully, the World!
“Scores can be viewed at At the top of the page, choose “tournament explorer;” on the next screen choose “Texas” from the state pull-down menu and “completed this season” and then click on 2017 state tournament.”
Steve Hall, TX Hunter Education Coordinator

ABILENE – April 21-23rd
Rooms blocked at MCM Elegante Suites at $104.00 per night. Rooms are 2 room suites. The rate is for single or double occupancy.
- Contact (325) 698-1234
- Toll-free (888) 897-9644
- Fax: (325) 698-2771
- 4250 Ridgemont Dr, Abilene, TX 79606
SAT. SEMINARS, KEYNOTE LUNCH and AWARDS BANQUET to be held at Hardin-Simmins University!
- Welcome Reception & AREA CHIEF MEETING (Friday)
- CWD; Feral Hog Mgmt. & Issues
- NEW Online Registration System
- Hunting 101 Workshops
- Mentored Hunts/R3 Initiatives
- Keynote – Mr. Michael Sabbeth, Denver, CO (Ethics & Image)
Michael Sabbeth – Keynote Address
Michael G. Sabbeth is a lawyer in Denver, Colorado. He lectures on ethics and rhetoric. He has written the book “The Good, The Bad and The Difference: How to Talk with Children About Values.” & is now working on a book titled “No More Apologizing! Arguments to Defend and Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports.”
- HE Hall of Fame Recipients
- Volunteer of the Year (TX)
- Regional Volunteers of the Year
- Game Warden of the Year
- Professional Educator of Year
- HE Instructor TEAM Award
- THEIA’s “T.D. Carroll” Award
In Memory – Rodney Sturdivant (1955-2017)
“Another great one has passed in the Texas hunter education program — a legacy left!”
Rodney Sturdivant, Area Chief Hunter Education Instructor, Abilene, passed away February 9th and a memorial service and celebration of Rodney’s life was held February 17th.
As a 15-year instructor and 10-year Area Chief for Coleman and Taylor Counties he trained 1248 students and numerous new instructors. He was a “Hunt Master” with the Texas Youth Hunting Program bringing hunting opportunities to youth who might not otherwise have those opportunities. He also volunteered as an Instructor with the Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade since 2001, and with the Waterfowl Brigade since 2013. He mentored youth with the local Boy Scout Troop No. 272 as they helped to develop and improve habitat for eastern bluebirds and other native species as part of their outdoor learning opportunities and service projects. He also was a Charter Member of the Big Country Texas Master Naturalists Chapter and helped bring this volunteer organization to Taylor County and the “Big Country.”
Sorry to see you go, fellow hunter education instructor, friend & mentor!
Rodney’s full Obituary
Tribute to Rodney Sturdivant

Do you know any high school seniors in Texas who are hunters and are pursuing higher education: tech school, junior college or 4 year university?
TDHA will be awarding nine $500 scholarships in May! The deadline to submit applications for the 2017 Texas Dove Hunters Association scholarships is MONDAY, APRIL 3. All electronic essays and mailed applications must be received/postmarked by April 3rd.
Applications available online at:
Please forward this email to anyone you know who would be interested.
Questions??? Call TDHA at 210-764-1189!
Growing the Next Generation of Hunters and Wildlife Ambassadors

South African Firearm Registration Guidelines for American Hunters Have Changed
March 23, 2017
If the date on your United States Department of Homeland Security Certificate of Registration – CBP Form 4457 – has expired, it will no longer be accepted by the South African Police Services’ Central Firearms Desk. These are some helpful tips from Cindi Rulon of WELL Worldwide Energy Logistics Customs Brokers: CLICK HERE FOR CBP Form 4457 with 2019 expiration date To All Hunters near Houston, The most convenient Customs Office you should use to register your guns, binoculars, scopes, cameras, etc., with the new CF 4457 that has an expiration date of 08/31/2019: Customs & Border Protection 2350 North Sam Houston Pkwy. #900 Houston, Texas 77032 291-985-6805 There is free parking in the front of the high-rise building as well as garage parking. Best hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-4:30 pm. If you need to register your guns on a weekend, you can go to: Houston Intercontinental Airport Terminal E CBP office on ground floor

Hunter Education Legislation
The TX legislative session is in full swing and sometimes it is necessary for hunter education instructors to testify on behalf of the Hunter Education program (what and how hunter education is taught, etc.) — especially by those of you that are veterans or active in the military, NRA, law enforcement and related services/organizations that use sporting arms/firearms in training. Hunter Ed bills are continually introduced each session.
If you are a veteran hunter education instructor and would offer your services to tesitfy (March/April 2017) please let us know so we can properly notify you if a volunteer hunter education instructor is needed. TPWD must remain neutral on all testimony and cannot lobby. Those representing themselves as instructors must be professional and tesitfy as to what is taught and is in the hunter education policies/framework only. Any topic outside of hunter education must be handled individually or under a separate affiliation.
Email st********@tp**.gov“>st********@tp**.gov if interested in attending hunter education hearings and possibly testifying if so desired.
