4190 Co Rd 4809, Ladonia TX 75449

512-766-2567 info@txheia.org


THEIA (Texas Hunter Education Instructors Association) is a non-profit organization that works in concert with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and the TPWD Hunter Education Program to support safe hunters through education and outreach activities.

Texas Hunter Education Instructors Association was incorporated in 1995 as a non-profit organization by Volunteer Hunter Education Instructors to work with, support and help improve the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Hunter Education Program.

In 1996 THEIA was recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt private foundation under section 501(c) (3). As of 2008, THEIA was upgraded to public charity status 509 (a) (2).

As a non-profit corporation, THEIA is governed by a Board of Directors made up of 10* active members of THEIA. The actions of the Board are outlined in the Bylaws of the organization

* From time to time not all the directors positions are filled, but actions can still be carried out per the Bylaws.

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