4190 Co Rd 4809, Ladonia TX 75449

512-766-2567 info@txheia.org


THEIA is about helping the Instructors
When it comes to the Internet we can all become confused.

THEIA is an organization that is fortunate to have a very diverse membership and as such we have some members that are willing and able to give of their time to help others.  To assist the Instructor we have put us this help desk form so that you might reach out to us and schedule a discussion to that we can see if we can be of assistance.

Please provide a short description of what type of help you are seeking include the best way to contact you and if you need us to call you please give us the best time we can contact you between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm CST. Keep in mind most people working the help desk are volunteers themselves and it might not be possible to return calls until after close of the business day.
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Texas Hunter Education Instructors Association

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