In This Issue:
We’ve much to do in 2017!
As stated in our last 2016 Weekly Target Talk, we’ve much to accomplish in 2017 including our bread-and-butter efforts — Hunter Education Student and Instructor courses (classroom & field).
Our first objective in 2017 is to finallyimplement the new Online Registration System (ORS) and hunter education database! It has been a year in development, and I know we are all anxious to use the new system.
Our new launch date has been scheduled! January 27th!
Admittedly, the learning curve for us ‘Baby Boomers’ will be greater than the ‘Millennials’ who will adapt seamlessly to the new ORS.
The main learning points will be:
- One-time set up of your Instructor Profile
- One-time set up of your usual Course Location(s)
- Adding your 2017 Course Dates/Times
- Selecting ‘Public’ or ‘Private’ for your courses
- Monitoring Registrations (public courses)
- Sending Email Link to Students (private courses)
- Printing Course Roster prior to course
- Conducting Classroom (6 hr) or Field (4hr min) course
- Charging and keeping $15 Course Fee per student (cash or check made out to instructor)
- Adding grades (min. 75%) and checking ‘pass’ for students upon completion.
- Paying one lump sum with credit card @ $5 per student (plus + service fee) Note: It will be $15 per student if instructor is a TPWD employee.
- Once lump sum is paid by instructor, students print their own cards. (Cards will no longer be mailed to students by TPWD — a MAJOR change!)
For those of you not as computer savvy or who do not use computers (other than to read this newsletter, perhaps) — will have to find a registrar/volunteer (family member?) to administer this process — volunteer time that can be added to ‘preparation time’ in your final reporting. We also will have a transition period and accept Scantrons and provide printable temporary forms for students as in the past. TPWD regional hunter education specialists and administrative staff will be available to work with you to get up to speed, and there will be IT tech support and assistance provided 24/7 by the developer, too. Hopefully, we will get thru the transition smoothly and enjoy the fruits of connecting better to our students and reaching even more potential audiences, as well.
THANKS for your efforts to Help us — Help you!
Steve Hall, HE Coordinator
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ABILENE – April 21 – 23rd
Be sure to book your calendar for the next Hunter Education Instructor Annual Conference sponsored by YOUR association — the TX Hunter Education Instructor’s Association. W TX Hunter Education Specialist, Randy Spradlin, and Area Chief/THEIA Board Member, Dr. Edgar Reed, Hardin-Simmons University, have made plans to host you this year in the vast plains of West Texas! Sessions and breakout workshops will be held in the Johnson Building on campus and special rates at local hotels will be sought for all those staying overnight. There will be a WELCOME RECEPTION Friday evening, April 21st, including the opening of a THEIA silent auction. Sessions will be held Saturday, April 22nd, followed by the Instructor Awards Banquet. The THEIA annual board meeting will be held Sunday morning, April 23rd. We hope YOU come this year to support your fellow instructors, association and TPWD!
- Welcome Reception (Friday)
- CWD; Feral Hog Mgmt. & Issues
- NEW Online Registration System
- Treestand Safety Training (4 hrs.)
- Hunting 101 Workshops
- Mentored Hunts/R3 Initiatives
- Keynote – Mr. Michael Sabbeth, Denver, CO (Ethics & Image)
- HE Hall of Fame Recipients
- Volunteer of the Year (TX)
- Regional Volunteers of the Year
- Game Warden of the Year
- Professional Educator of the Year
- THEIA’s “T.D. Carroll” Award
- SPECIAL Awards and Prizes
PHOTO: Jose Garcia (R), Irving, accepted the statewide Volunteer Instructor of the Year in 2015 from HE Coordinator, Steve Hall, in April 2016 in Houston.
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We have extended the time to receive donations towards Kathy Powell’s retirement gift accepted by “THEIA”, so we can COLLECTIVELY thank her for the time she served our Texas hunter education community.
Please send checks no later than January 27th to: THEIA; ATTN: Denise Harmel-Garza -Treasurer, 15033 Turnberry, College Station, TX 77845.
Our plans also are to invite her to the annual HE Instructor Annual Conference in April, so you will hopefully get to thank her personally for her service.
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Lead TYHP Huntmaster, Ron Roberts (R), and his team, including HE Instructors Virginia Roberts, Jim Cramner and Area Chief, Vincent Lecca, held a very successful TYHP Youth Hunt at Millican Reserve where each of the hunters successfully harvested an animal. Congratulations to everyone involved in one of the best programs of its kind in the country!.
Instructor Lee Morris (L) sent in a photo of his class held at the Boys Ranch in early November. He held a classroom and field session. Thanks, Lee, for targeting groups and making hunter education coursework happen in the vast plains of the Texas Panhandle!
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Project WILD, Children in Nature, Aquatic Resources and other TPWD Programs!
Johnnie Smith, Conservation Education Manager with TPWD, put together a short video piece highlighting Conservation Education Successes for 2016. If you are a hunter education instructor and want to be more effective communicating or teaching about wildlife, you may want to take a Project WILD training course in your area or attend other conservation education programs related to teaching children about nature-based activities, water resources and/or about basic ecology. Be sure to support other TPWD education programs in your efforts to train and certify hunter education students. Thanks for spreading the mission of Texas Parks & Wildlife! For a copy of the MP4 video, please email st********@tp**.gov.
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